Our Mission
We want to grow a congregation of spiritually mature, visionary people, that embody the principles and actions of the church from the book of Acts.

We want to live our lives as role models. We long to be a living example, that others may see and understand how the Apostolic church lives, how we operate, and how we prosper in the world around us.
Kingdom Builders
We want to build strong families that understand the role that they fill in the Body of Christ. Leaders guiding our children to salvation and establishing Godly living in the church, the world, and at home.
Edification of the Body
We strive to work in unity for the purpose of preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our city. Reaching even further to spread His Gospel around the world, bringing honor to the name of Jesus.
Holy Ghost Power
Our desire is to empower each Holy Ghost filled member. To yield every talent and ability to God. Using every calling for God and His glory.